Being Salt and Light


January 14, 2023 5 min. read

Born and raised in Tanza, Cavite, Hira Angelica Hermoso is one of the hundreds of SMDC employees who signed up for The Good Guys Volunteer program. Extremely excited to be part of the company’s volunteer corps, she looks forward to going onsite and being able to extend a helping hand to different communities in her simple way.

"When I saw the invitation of The Good Guys Volunteer program, I signed up immediately. I have always been active in community service because these give me a sense of purpose and fulfillment," shared Hira.

Before the pandemic, Hira has already joined SM community efforts for the elderly of the Home for the Aged and the Angels Walk for Autism. An enthusiast of mountaineering, she hopes to participate in environmental programs, such as tree planting.

“I enjoy these activities with the community because it provides me a platform to meet new people and touch others’ lives. More so, it is good to see people working together for a common goal, which is to uplift those who are in need,” she added.

Growing with the Good Guys

Working under the Treasury Group of SMDC, Hira will be celebrating her fourth anniversary with the organization this year. This dedicated young lady is grateful for all the opportunities the company has given and is continuously giving her, and for her work colleagues turned family.

“SMDC is the Home of the Good Guys. Working here means being surrounded by good people that help you improve, both professionally and personally, and people that are there for you in trying times and celebrate your small and big wins,” said Hira when asked about her life at SMDC.

For this young professional, what makes SMDC a conducive working place, especially in her team, is the culture of trust, respect, and openness.

“Currently we are exploring and learning new modes of payments. Since everything is new to us, we sometimes commit mistakes. But here, these are not taken against you. Instead, our leaders and colleagues help you correct these mistakes and learn the right way,” she shared.

As a Treasury Assistant, Hira cannot avoid difficult situations at work. But her team is always there to show care and provide support which, in turn, makes things lighter and easier to handle.

The Good Mindset and Attitude

“To be salt and light” is Hira’s mantra in life. With her radiant personality, she wants to enhance the flavor of life in this world, positively influence others, and bring smiles to other people’s faces.

Beaming with optimism, this Cavitena strongly holds on to a quote she learned from Tom Bilyeau, “I can do anything I set my mind to if I’m willing to pay the price for greatness.”

For her, the mind is so powerful that it attracts anything you feed it with, hence, the law of attraction. This kind of mindset keeps her going despite all the hurdles along the journey to achieving her goals.

A certified good guy, Hira defines being a good guy as someone who does good things even when no one is looking. “When you are a good guy, it should manifest in everything that you do, and you do things with love and passion,” she said.

Apart from working in SMDC, Hira is also an active member of the Rotaract Club of Makati. On Sundays, she fulfills her role as a stage crew/social media engager servant of the Production Ministry of The Feast Bay Area.

A loving daughter, she always makes sure to have that meaningful conversation with her parents and siblings every time she goes home to Tanza.

Committed to creating positive change in the community, SMDC is inviting everyone to take part in The Good Guys Volunteer program. Let’s improve the quality of life in the country, one community at a time.